Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear all,

We have come to the end of this 14 week semester.
This is to thank you for your all willing participation and hard efforts in my classes.
I hope we will share another course in the following years.

P.S. Please send me your blog addresses latest on the 18th of May.

Take care you all,

Have a great summer holiday, you all deserved it. ((;

Görsev İnceçay.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Büşra DID an excellent job...

                                                    Two Noteworthy Films  

            In 1902, the first motion picture film which had a scenario was produced by Georges Melies and the name of it is “Le Voyage dans la Lune.” This film is the first but not the last one. After it, numerous films were produced, they are still being produced nowadays and they will be made in the future, too. Furthermore, among these several films, some of them could take almost all of the peoples’ attention in the world and some of them could not. The ones which caught interest and which were appreciated were able to win many awards or Oscars. For example, Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation are two of them which are successful in cinema sector. So, let us compare and contrast these two noteworthy films as a purpose of this essay.     
            The first remarkable similarity between Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation is the type of them. In both of the films, there are scenes related to drama. For instance, in a part of the film, Jamal who plays the leading role in Slumdog Millionaire remembers the days when he was kidnapped by some villains. Also, there is a couple who is about to divorce and has a child in “A Separation”. It can be seen in this film that how the members of a family can separate from each other. Another similarity between them is the situations which have the possibility of being met with in real life. Let me give an example for it, too. In Slumdog Millionaire, Jamal joins in a quiz show and in the other film, the couple wants to break up as I said before. So, these circumstances can happen. What is more, being accused of the leading actors is the last similarity. In the former film, Jamal is accused since he is thought that he is getting information while competing in quiz show. But the real situation is different, he answers the questions by remembering his childhood and he is not doing anything wrong. When it is looked at the latter film, Nader who plays one of the leading roles is blamed because of killing a baby who has not born yet. But the reality is different in here, too.        
            Now, I am going to state the differences between Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation. To begin with, filming location is the major difference between these two films. Slumdog Millionaire was filmed in India but A Separation was filmed in Iran. The second difference is the language. As it can be understood from the countries, the language in Slumdog Millionaire is English. However, Persian is used as a language in the film, A Separation. Moreover, while the films are starting, it can be seen that the blurbs of them are written in English and Persian. Having different endings is the final difference that I am going to mention. To illustrate, the former one has an ending which has both happiness and clarity. I mean, Jamal gains the money from the quiz show and he is with his lover, too. However, the latter has not only sorrowful but also uncertain ending. In other words, it is an open-ended film. There is an indefinite situation of the child’s decision about choosing his mother or his father to stay with.            
            To sum up,      besides lots of similarities in terms of having dramatic scenes, having the possibility of facing with the same occasions in real life and being blamed of the leading actors, there are also differences between the films “Slumdog Millionaire” and “A Separation” in relation to the filming location, the language that is not only spoken but also written and having different endings with different impressions. In my opinion, Slumdog Millionaire is quite better than A Separation. Since, I did not get bored even a second from the beginning to the end of the film when I watched it.    


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

9th Assignment: Comparing and Contrasting two oscar winning films

Hello everyone,

You are going to write a comparision& contrast essay on reviews of two oscar winning films; 'Slumdog millionaire' & 'Separation'.

You can find the reviews through the following links:

Have a good day...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

7th Assignment: Cause & Effect Essay

Please search on the internet and online sources and discuss the causes of European Union and its possible effects on the participant countries.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

6th Assignment: Process Essay

You are required to write a well-organized process essay on ONE of the following topics:

* How to improve your speaking in English
* How to get over a disappointment
* How a student gets motivated at university.

Your essay should be at least 300 words and 5 paragraphs...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ayşe wrote a good description..

            There was the conflict between a noisy crowd in the street and the violinist derisively on a typical gloomy day in London. Furthermore, the main feature of the picture is that the street musicians performed their music as if they protested to the violinist. The violinist, who was the member of the British Royal orchestra, rehearsed before the concert; nonetheless, he was disturbed because of the noise coming from outside. He stopped to  play violin and he looked outside the window by frowning. Moreover he held both hands on his ears since he did not want to be hear the noise. Actually, he did not get angry due to noise of inhabitants of London. He was only plague street musicians on account of creating noise pollution. On the other hand street musicians made music by ignoring the people around them and they seemed to combat with the violinist to prove their superiority.