Sunday, February 26, 2012

A good paragraph from Onur..

Tv and Children
                        Since TV is included  in people’s lives, more and more individuals started to watch it by time. There is at least a TV in every single home lately. That is obvious, it is not being watched by adults only but also by children. Effect of TV on people, especially on children is a case to be taken into consideration. As it can be a helpful source to learn fabulous things, it can lead them in wrong way however. They should not watch everything,  only specific TV shows in childhood could be fine. They may improve themselves at same time having fun so long as visuality is significant in early ages because learning by watching is way effective and long lasting. So that, aiming to use TV in a beneficial way is possible by being taken care of by their parents to make them watch these ones and put it in good use. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cartoons in Teaching by Sinem Kaplan (Good job Sinem)

Undoubtedly, every person has a special cartoon character that reminds his
childhood. It means, even if years pass cartoon's impression on somebody
does not disappear. Well, why cartoons have a special place in people's
lives? As an example from real life, my brother learned his first song from
a cartoon and I learned dancing thanks to another cartoon. So, if something
is first, it is almost impossible to forget about. To give another example,
children's shows enable learning new words, numbers and colors before
children's school lives begin. By repeating their new knowledge, children
add these basic information on their minds. To continue, these shows
illustrate the events which can happen in real life. It provides children a
chance to deal with feellings and some obstacles. To summarize, all of
these possitive impacts help children to learn and think about the world.

A good paragraph by Büşra Albayrak (Looking forward to your comments)

   Instructive Cartoons for Children                    So far, technology has a very crucial place for people and it is being improved day by day for many different purposes. As it is known, television is one of the most known devices of this technology. Lots of people, especially children, spend at least an hour everyday to watch something on TV. Children are watching many cartoons without being aware of its effects. Although some of these cartoons can affect children negatively, there are also really beneficial ones to teach them being a good child. Caillou who both teaches children how to improve their skills and makes the children laugh from time to time is one of these beneficial cartoons. This cartoon’s purpose is to mention children that how they should react when they face with different situations or how to do their duties on their own without asking for help as much as possible. Besides, this cartoon is beneficial for children in relation to being helpful. For instance, my little sister, Beyza, is a fan of Caillou and she always wants to help my mother at house works. And of course this situation makes both Beyza and my mother happy. Consequently, if there will be more cartoons like Caillou and children are eager to watch them, it can be advantageous for the children in relation to developing their abilities. And I can easily say that it really works.                       

Assignment 2 (Preparing outlines)

Preparing three outlines for the following topics:
(Be sure that you have done necessary search on the internet and read in order to explore ideas)
1. Choose a particular person. State the reasons why you admire her/him.
2. Why is art education necessary for children?
3. Why do we need to learn a foreign language before puberty?

Monday, February 20, 2012

A wonderful essay by Yağmur Dinçeröz (received a reward in the 'Writing Center contest)

The Beauties of Turkey

    Turkey, which is famous for its intimate people, scrumptious food, spectacular historical structures and fascinating location that is at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is one of the most glamorous countries in the world. Besides its own nation, Turkey is becoming the favourite of tourists day by day. While some people believe that Turkey is not an ideal place to live, others share the view that Turkey is the only country to spend the rest of your life. What do you think about this idea? Do you believe that Turkey, which has countless scenic beauties, is the only place that should be lived in? I am definately in favour of this viewpoint.
   To begin with, people who live in Turkey, have a chance to experience the beauties of all four seasons which is not very common in other countries. For instance, people who dwell in England or Germany cannot usually see the sun since it is generally cloudy or rainy. This situation influences people’s attitudes and moods. Specifically, we are all aware of the fact that damnable weather makes people more depressed. Nevertheless, people, who dwell in Turkey, rarely experience these feelings because they can feel the sunshine almost everyday. Due to this, Turkey is known for its enjoyable and sociable people.
    Furthermore, Turkey has a palmy history that goes back thousands of years. You feel concessive when you see the stunning historical buildings. They particularly attract the attention of many tourists who come to see these places from various countries. Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace, Maiden’s Tower are among the most fascinating structures in İstanbul that is one of the most beautiful cities of Turkey.
     On the other side of the coin, some people share the view that living in Turkey is not easy in terms of finding a job or increasing population. The population of Turkey is rising day by day which makes it harder to get a job you like. Therefore, some people say that finding a job is getting harder in Turkey. What is more, some people think that people suffer from traffic jams which prevents them from being punctual. In other words, they are always late no matter where they go.
    Taking everything into account, Turkey is one of the most wonderful countries all over the world. You can spend fabulous time thanks to various cafes or restaurants, and also find the chance to taste the delicious Turkish food. You can get the utmost enjoyment out of having four seasons in Turkey as well. You should also not forget that ancient structures are the best way to gain information for the people who are interested in Turkish history.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Writing is all about emotions & creativity...Not language itself. (Gizem Ergün's 'Turkish' composition)

  Olmuyor, deniyorum olmuyor. Mürekkebim yeterli gelmiyor Türkiye’de yaşamanın hislerine aracılık etmeye. Bu kaçıncı kâğıttı fırlatıp attığım, anlatamadığımdan utandığım. İnsanın hissettiğini dile getirememesi çok zormuş. Sevgi kâğıda dökülebilir mi mesela? Peki ya bir insan toprağın üzerine kurulmuş olan soyut bir bütünlüğe âşık olabilir mi? Olabilirmiş ya, doğduğum günden beri nefesimizi birlikte paylaşıyoruz biz Türkiye’yle. Attığım her adımda bu topraklar uğruna dökülmüş olan kanlar geziyor damarlarımda. Türkiye’de yaşamak işte bu demek. Yaşadığın her an, her saniye için bu toprakları sana armağan edenlere minnettar olmak demek. Toprağının her karışına sahip çıkıp, O’nu senden almak için uzanan ellere bir tokat da senin atman demek.
  Her sabah doğan güneş Türkiye’yi bir başka aydınlatır. Bunu bilen her insan sabahlara farklı uyanır. Türkiye’de çiçeklerle selamlaşılır mesela. Onlar da severler bulundukları yerleri. Türkiye’nin taşı, toprağı farklıdır. Farklıdır dedim de, o farkı da O’nun üzerinde yaşayanlar yaratır. Aile başkadır Türkiye’de, yeri ayrıdır. Oturduğunda bir deniz kenarına, denizdeki tuzlar arkadaşlık eder mesela sana. Kimi zaman dostun, kimi zaman koştuğun olurlar. Martılar bir başka kapar simitleri,  vapurdan simit atan insanların elinden. Çayı bir başka kokar. Bacaları perilidir mesela. Deniz olmayan yerde dağ, dağ olmayan yerde topraktaki verim olur.
  Adildir Türkiye. Adil olmayı gerektirir burada yaşamak. Bakmayın öyle suskun durduğuna, sel olur yine taşar Türkiye gerektiğinde. Türkiye’de yaşamak öyle bir histir ki, genç bir kız bütün hayallerini O’nun üzerine kuracak kadar sevebilir O’nu. Kurucusunu babası bilip açtığı yolu izleyebilir. Nerelisin dediklerinde Türkiyeliyim diyebilmektir burada yaşamak. Annen gibi, baban gibi, ülkenin canı acıdığında da tahammül edememektir.
  Harekete geçmek var bir de bu tarafta. Hadi deyince kıpırdanıp yola koyulabilmek var. Yola koyulmaya hazır olanlara yol olur Türkiye. Sen O’nun için çabaladıkça, O sen uyurken öpücük kondurur yanaklarına. Anlatılmaz Türkiye, sözcükler yetersiz kalır. Uzaktan uzak görünür yakınlar. Yakından soğuk görünür sıcaklar. Evdir Türkiye, yuvadır, hasret kalınan sudur. İşte bu yüzden Türkiye’de yaşayan herkes uğruna canından olmaya hazırdır. Ata’mızın açtığı yolu korur, kollar Türkiye, biz de rahatça yürüyebilelim diye. Bundandır suskunluğu, bilinir ki bir konuşursa kimse döndüremez geriye.
Gizem Ergün

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Welcome you all and happy Valentine's Day ((;

Dear all,

It is great to meet you online once again.
Hope you will have fun and get the feeling of sharing your master pieces.
I am looking forward to reading them.

Btw, I wish you all a happy VALENTINE'S DAY...